
Interior of the Alcator C-Mod tokamak at the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center. Two Ion Cyclotron Range of Frequencies (ICRF) antennas are visible to the left of the central column. A new magnetic field-aligned ICRF antenna is visible to the right of the central column. [WIKI]


Magnetic Confinement Fusion in the Rig Veda

An October 2014 report from Technology Review describes Lockheed Martin’s announcement that it had "secretly developed a promising design for a compact nuclear fusion reactor" has encountered skepticism over the basic feasibility of its approach.


Tom McGuire is the project lead of the Lockheed effort to develop the reactor at the company’s 'Skunkworks' in Palmdale, California. The article says that no data has yet been released after having done 200 firings with plasma. However McGuire said of the plasma,  “It looks like it’s doing what it’s supposed to do.” He added that with research partners Lockheed could develop a completed prototype within five years and a commercial application within a decade. The company is even talking about how fusion reactors could one day power ships and planes.

McGuire said that "the company has come up with a compact design, called a high beta fusion reactor, based on principles of so-called 'magnetic mirror confinement.' This approach tries to contain plasma by reflecting particles from high-density magnetic fields to low-density ones."

Tokamak: a doughnut shaped device

"The challenge is to confine hydrogen plasma at conditions under which the hydrogen nuclei fuse together at levels that release a useful amount of energy."


Tokamak confinement of a nuclear fusion plasma: The twisted magnetic field lines (green) required to confine the high temperature plasma (purple) are created by the currents in a set of planar coils (red) and a current flowing in the conductive plasma itself.

The article continues, "Most research efforts use a method that tries to contain hot plasma within magnetic fields in a doughnut-shaped device called a tokamak. Three research-scale tokamaks operate in the United States: one at MIT, another at a lab in Princeton, and a third at a Department of Energy lab in San Diego. The world’s largest tokamak is under construction in France at an international facility known as ITER, at a projected cost of $50 billion." The projected cost of only one of these research efforts is $50 billion, I would suppose there is more than skepticism involved.




Magnetic Confinement Fusion

 WIKI: Magnetic confinement fusion is an approach to generating fusion power that uses magnetic fields (which is a magnetic influence of electric currents and magnetic materials) to confine the hot fusion fuel in the form of a plasma.

 Magnetic confinement is one of two major branches of fusion energy research, the other being inertial confinement fusion. The magnetic approach is more highly developed and is usually considered more promising for energy production.

 ...Magnetic confinement fusion attempts to create the conditions needed for fusion energy production by using the electrical conductivity of the plasma to contain it with magnetic fields. The basic concept can be thought of in a fluid picture as a balance between magnetic pressure and plasma pressure, or in terms of individual particles spiraling along magnetic field lines.





The 'doughnut' shaped Torus


The Tokamak is a doughnut shaped device, which is essentially a Torus. "In geometry, a torus (plural tori) is a surface of revolution generated by revolving a circle in three-dimensional space about an axis coplanar with the circle. If the axis of revolution does not touch the circle, the surface has a ring shape and is called a ring torus or simply torus if the ring shape is implicit." [WIKI]

Connecting the Rig Veda with the Tokamak

Back in 2014, I read the report on the new technology being developed by Lockheed Martin's 'Skunkworks', but at that time I did not connect it with the technologies I was finding in the ancient Sanskrit sacred text the Rig Veda. In fact I had decided to give my recent pursuit of extraterrestrial technology in the Rig Veda a rest and moved on to a revered hymn that is considered to be highly symbolic and expresses the idea 'That One which is unborn supports all the worlds' and has many names and forms.

Spherical layers of meaning

The Rig Veda hymn I.164 was composed by the Rishi Dîrgatamâ. As I have found again and again when attempting to render the Rig Veda verses, this important hymn is said to have never been translated in a consistent manner. "As the language of the Vedas is ancient and the idiom of the language is full of imageries and symbols, it is difficult to bring out a consistent meaning from it." [Amritananda] The Sanskrit in the Rig Veda is not like the Sanskrit of later times. My research has led me to understand the words in this ancient 'Vedic Sanskrit' as being spherical layers of meaning. Even though the language is not logographic, it functions in a similar way in that each word would have simultaneously invoked multiple meanings in the hearts and minds of the ancient Seers.


A Torus in Rig Veda I.164.2

One [eko] chariot [aerial ship - ratham] carries, bears along [vahati],

allied, connected [yuñjanti] to the wheel [cakra - torus] having three axle-holes [trinâbhi - the axis of three geometric toroidal forms],

[which is fueled by] the named seven powers [of the gaseous state of plasma - vâyu]

that generate velocity [ashvo - horse power],

that is un-decaying, unlimited [a source of perpetual energy].

All the worlds [bhuvana] stand and remain supported in these wheels [the torus geometric form].

The above verse I.164.2 contains the Sanskrit words trinâbhi-cakra defined by some scholars as three axle-holes. The verse is perplexing indeed and when I read Swami Amritananda's statement that, "In fact no commentator is helpful in correctly understanding the meaning of trinâbhi-cakra - three axle-holes." — I became more curious.

The Sanskrit root √nabh is defined as the navel, a navel-like cavity, the nave of a wheel; nâbhi means 'to burst asunder or into a hole'. Suddenly it hit me that this eka-cakram 'one wheeled' source of power the Rishi Dîrgatamâ was writing about was a torus.

Like the Tokamat being developed by 'Skunkworks' and others, the 'undecaying wheel' that is not to be limited, not to be obstructed, irresistible, with its seven named powers, [saptanâmâ], was yoked to the aerial-ship, the chariot [ratham].

Therefore I am suggesting that 'magnetic confinement fusion' technology was around in the ancient days and that it came with and from our progenitors who colonized planet Earth. Can we assume then that 'magnetic confinement fusion' technology is another so-called back-engineered gift from the extraterrestrials that our governments are allegedly in business with through the infamous 'Deal'?


"... locked up in black projects"

Ben Rich, the second director of Lockheed Skunk Works from 1975-1991, has been called the Father of Stealth, having overseen the development of the stealth fighter, the F-117A nighthawk. Before his death, Rich made several shocking open statements about the reality of UFOs and extraterrestrials. [www.bibliotecapleyades.net]

 "We already have the means to travel among the stars, but these technologies are locked up in black projects, and it would take an act of God to ever get them out to benefit humanity. Anything you can imagine, we already know how to do it."

 "We now have technology to take ET home. No it won't take someone's lifetime to do it. There is an error in the equations. We know what it is. We now have the capability to travel to the stars."

 The Metaphysics of UFO propulsion

 "There are two types of UFOs — the ones we build and the ones 'they' build." When Rich was asked how UFO propulsion worked, he said, "Let me ask you. How does ESP work?" The questioner responded with, "All points in time and space are connected?" 

 Rich then said, "That's how it works!"

 V. Susan Ferguson





 Lockheed Martin Pursuing Compact Nuclear Fusion Reactor Concept /October 2014/video

“Take a gas and heat it up, eventually it separates into its ions and electrons, when the ions get hot enough, they can overcome their mutual repulsion, and collide, fuse into one piece, and release a lot of energy, a million times more powerful than a chemical reaction …bring clean power to the world.”

 Plasma physics: Plasma state is the fourth state of matter, which consists of ionized gaseous atoms or molecules along with electrons. This state is obtained by removing electrons from the atoms or molecules by heating gases at very high temperatures.


 Does Lockheed Martin Really Have a Breakthrough Fusion Machine? /By David Talbot, October 20, 2014


 UFO Technology/Lockheed ’Skunkworks’ by Arjun Walia




RIG VEDA SAMHITA: Mandalas 1 – 10, 12 volumes, (Text in Devanagari, Translation and Notes), by R.L. Kashyap; Saksi, Published in collaboration with ASR, Melkote; Sri Aurobindo Kapali Sastry Institute of Vedic Culture, Bangalore, India, 2009.

RIG VEDA, Complete in 12 Volumes, Mantras in Sanskrit with English Translation and Transliteration; Translated by Swami Satya Prakash Saraswati and Satyakam Vidyalankar; DAV Publication Division, Delhi India, 2011.

Modern English Translation of The Rig Veda Samhita, 4 Volumes, by Prasanna Chandra Gautum; Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, Mumbai, 2014.

Rig Veda, Four Volumes, With Original Sanskrit Text, Transliteration & Lucid English Translation in the Tradition of Yaska & Dayananda; English Translation by Dr. Tulsi Ram, M.A., PhD. (London); Arsh Sahitya Prachar Trust, Delhi India, 2013.

A Study of Deities of the RIG VEDA, With the help of Science, by S.S. Gupta; Abhinav Publications, New Delhi, 2006.

Rig Vedic Suktas: Asya Vâmîya Sûkta, Translated by Swami Amritanda; Sri Ramakrishna Math, Mylapore, Chennai, India, 2003.

 images from WIKI

 Word definitions for Rig Veda I.164.2

sapta - by the seven

yuñjanti - connected, related, allied; yoked

ratham - to the chariot [aerial ship]

ekacakra, - that one wheeled

eko -one

ashvo - horse, Vâyu [S.S. Gupta: "Vâyu is a mixture of different gases; Vâyu drinks Soma." (I say Soma is plasma, an ionized gas).]

vahati - carries, bears along

saptanâmâ - called in seven ways, named 'seven', seven powers

trinâbhi - having three axles-holes; three rimmed; [Sanskrit root √nabh is defined as the navel, a navel-like cavity, the nave of a wheel; nâbhi means 'to burst asunder or into a hole'.]

cakram - to the wheel

ajaram - without decay, un-decaying

anarvam - not loosened, baseless, firm; [an-arva = not to be limited, not to be obstructed, irresistible.]

yatra imâ - in which these

vishva - entire, all these

bhuvanâdhi - regions, worlds

tasthuh - have remained, stationary, stay for support




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